College Prep
The goal is to expose students to a multitude of learning environments and professionals in preparation towards college or university studies. Free to all students are:
Pre-College enrichment programs
Summer programs
Workshops and camps
College Education
Concurrent Enrollment College/University Courses
Concurrent Enrollment Technical and Career Classes
Pre-Collegiate Programming:
Senior Seminar: Yearlong course that ensures that all graduates have adequate 1:1 attention and support for college exploration, applications, and financial aid
Student Portfolios: Collections of professional work and achievements such as awards, resume, personal and career statements with values and ethics components, course completion certifications, letters of recommendation, etc.
Advance Placement (AP) Courses: AP US History, AP Government, AP Environmental Science, AP Spanish, and AP Literature
College Enrichment: Year round regional college visits and leadership and skills building opportunities at conferences and workshops in various colleges nationwide
College Experiences:
2019-2020 College Visits
Kansas Tour
Nebraska Tour
Metro State
2019-2020 Visitors from Colleges
Mesa State
Metro State
Front Range Community College
Lincoln Tech
Spartan College
Concorde Career College